2022 N2 (2)

The purpose of the article is to provide an academic overview of mediation – a newform of alternative dispute resolution in Georgia, and to make the issue actual. The entry intoforce of the Law of Georgia on Mediation is an important precondition for establishing aculture of dialogue in the country and for shifting from the path of public confrontation to thepath of social harmony. Although the platform of dispute resolution has been made availableat the legislative level, its level of awareness is not so high; this is why we consider it expedient to carry out academic research on the issue, which will serve as an effective means forovercoming such challenge in order to reach such level, where mediation will not be deemedan alternative means of dispute resolution, but will be recognised as an ordinary mechanismfor dispute resolution; such a view is summarised below based on the example of developeddemocracies, among academics, as well as practising lawyers.

Keywords: mediation, negotiation, agreement
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